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The Northeast Asian Research Center and Korea University in Korea successfully held Academic Conference on Northeast Asian Major Power Relations and the Situation on the Korean Peninsula
author: Date: 2021-11-15 View:

    On November 12th, 2021, the Northeast Asian Studies College, the Northeast Asian Research Center, the Institute of Korean Peninsular Studies and the Asiatic Studies Institute of Korea University in Korea jointly held an international academic conference on the theme of Northeast Asian Major Power Relations and the Situation on the Korean Peninsula, which was conducted in an online format. Professor Wu Hao, Dean of the Northeast Asian Studies College of Jilin University, and Professor Lee Jin-han, Director of the Asiatic Studies Institute of Korea University, delivered opening speeches respectively, and Professor Zhang Huizhi, Deputy Director of the Northeast Asian Research Center and Director of the Institute of Korean Peninsular Studies of Jilin University, presided over the opening ceremony of the conference.

    Twenty-eight experts and scholars from the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Fudan University, as well as from Korea University, Ewha Womans University, Korea National Defense University, Chung-Ang University, Kangwon National University, Duksung Women's University, Chosun University, and the Economic and Social Research Institute in Korea participated in the conference. The conference focused on three topics: The Impact of the Centennial Change and the COVID-19 Pandemic on Relations among Northeast Asian Countries, Outlook for the Situation on the Korean Peninsula under Great Power Competition, and New Trends and New Ideas for Northeast Asian Economic Cooperation. The conference has achieved fruitful academic results.

    The meeting was an important part of the institutionalized cooperation between the Northeast Asian Research Center and Asiatic Studies Institute of Korea University in Korea, and both sides expressed their intention to continue to strengthen inter-institutional academic exchanges and expand the platform for exchanges between Chinese and Korean scholars in a joint effort to consolidate Sino-South Korea relations and promote peaceful development in the Northeast Asian region.

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