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Academic Exchange Conference on China-Japan-Korea Economics was successfully held
author: Date: 2016-03-25 View:


    On March 22nd, 2016,Academic Exchange Conference on the China-Japan-Korea Economics was successfully held in the conference room of the Northeast Asian Studies College. The conference was jointly organized by the Northeast Asian Studies College, the Institute of Japan Studies ofJilin University, the East Asian Society of Japan, and the Northeast Asian Cultural Society of Korea.

    Scholars from the Japan gave impressive reports on three topics: globalization of corporate strategy, narrowing of the local economic gap, and deepening of economic linkage. The Chinese scholars conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on the "Belt and Road" construction, the strategic transformation of production and operation of Japanese electronics companies, and the economic effects and financing methods of Japanese infrastructure construction. The teachers and students attending the meeting also had a lively discussion and in-depth exchanges on the above topics.Everyone agrees that this academic exchange will provide an effective platform for in-depth research on the globalization of corporate strategy, accelerating the development of the local economy, and promoting the construction of the “Belt and Road”.

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