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High-end Symposium on Northeast Asia International and Regional Studies (Session 1, 2023)
author: Date: 2023-01-10 View:

Topic: Russian Revolution from the Perspective of the History of the New Empire(1917—1922)

Speaker: Professor of History at the University of Cincinnati

Academic Supervisor of the International Research Laboratory of Russian History at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University)

Time: January 14th, 2023   9:00-11:00

ZOOM Meeting Number: 833 3129 4698

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Speaker Profile:

  Willard Sunderland, Professor of the Department of History of the University of Cincinnati, Henry R. Winkler Professor at the University of Cincinnati, Academic Supervisor of the International Research Laboratory of Russian History at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University), Director of the Graduate Program of the History Department of the University of Cincinnati, USA, and a representative of the "New Imperial History" in the United States. Professor Sunderland, fluent in Russian, English, Chinese, German, French and other languages, defines the position of Russia and China in world history with transnational historical research methods, and has long been engaged in the research and teaching of Russian history, Soviet history and the history of Sino-Russian relations.


Key Research Base of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education- Northeast Asian Research Center of Jilin University

Northeast Asian Studies College of Jilin University

Institute For Northeast Asian Studies of Jilin University

Special Committee for Northeast Asian Regional Studies, Academic Association for International Cultural Exchange

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